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Original Silver Jewelry in Alberta by Shawna Whiteside Erickson

Once again, Shawna will spend the next few months getting ready for the 2019 Calgary Exhibition and Stampede. Juried into this prestigious art show for the 17th consecutive year, Shawna will have her booth within the Western Showcase area in the BMO Roundup Center. She will be sharing a space with renowned mixed media artist Brad Holt, as well as Paige Leather. Shawna has recently returned from one of the largest gem shows in the world at Tucson AZ with a selection of high quality turquoise and other genuine gemstones to make some beautiful western inspired necklaces and jewelry that will be available and on display soon!

Recently, Shawna was honored to be interviewed by Hugh McLennan of the Spirit of the West radio show. Listen here at Spirit of the West Radio Show